I started short term letting in 2016 for a personal property while helping two landlords short term let theirs.
I managed travellers’ messages and bookings full-time.
I was the only intermediary between the owner and the traveller.
I am fully aware of the problems that owners can encounter with tenants during their lease or their stay.
I’ve worked in two prestigious luxury hotels, including the Hotel de Crillon in Paris and the Iberstor Gran Paraiso in Mexico, as well as a famous Parisian palace.
My experiences in the luxury hotel and tourism industries have given me
and an eye for detail.
I completely renovated two flats in the Paris region, from the bathroom to the kitchen, including the choice of furniture and decoration.
We are proud to offer you an exceptional property management service, where your valuable possessions are in the hands of a highly skilled team with unrivalled knowledge and expertise. We understand how important your expectations are and are committed to exceeding them every step of the way.
When you choose our management service, you benefit from a dedicated team that takes care of every detail, ensuring that your property is looked after in the best possible way. Our experts ensure that every aspect of managing your property is handled with meticulous attention, from regular maintenance to transparent communication with potential tenants.
When it comes to rentals, we are committed to creating an environment where travellers feel truly at home. We understand the importance of feeling comfortable and relaxed while travelling, which is why we strive to provide an unrivalled level of comfort. Each property is carefully selected to meet the needs of the modern traveller, offering quality facilities and amenities that contribute to an unforgettable experience.
What’s more, our team is on hand to respond to travellers’ requests, offering personalised assistance throughout their stay. Whether it’s local recommendations, concierge services or simply answering questions, we ensure that our tenants benefit from ongoing support.
Your property will be managed by a team with the know-how and expertise to meet your expectations. We offer rentals that make travellers feel at home, with all the comforts they need.
We make it a point of honour to ensure the safety of your property with regular maintenance. We guarantee transparency, professionalism and security.
Améliorez votre style de vie avec notre service de conciergerie personnalisé et notre gestion immobilière.